Property Taxes: eBilling

Were you previously receiving your City of Hamilton property tax bill through Canada Post’s epost service and wish to continue to receive it electronically through the City of Hamilton’s new eBilling service

Do you currently receive your property tax bill through regular mail and prefer to switch to eBilling?

Are you already enrolled in the City’s eBilling service and wish to cancel or change your email address?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, please proceed using the link below. You will require your property tax roll number and access code, as identified on your latest property tax bill. If you misplaced your latest tax bill or purchased your property after the Interim or Final tax bills were issued, please contact the City of Hamilton at 905-546-CITY (2489) or [email protected] to obtain your access code.

The City of Hamilton’s new eBilling service is a free and convenient way of receiving your property tax bill. This service ensures prompt electronic receipt of your property tax bill by eliminating the risk of lost or misplaced property tax bills. Once enrolled, you will receive all future property tax bills electronically, until such time as you cancel or sell your property. At this time, eBilling is currently available only for the Interim Property Tax bills (mailed out in early February) and the Final Property tax bills (mailed out in early June) – all other correspondence (i.e. reminder notices, supplementary/omitted tax bills, letters) will continue to be sent through regular mail.

Do you wish to continue?

  Yes     No